Thursday, January 21, 2010

VTT in my corner of Our Workroom/Den

Testing a new background and layout! All those little techie thingys make my brain hurt!!!

Happy VTT to you all!!!!

Last week I overwhelmed you with a whole room. I do get carried away sometimes!

This week I'll just show y'all the corner of our workroom/den that is mine.  More specifically - the stuff on my wall over my ginormous cutting table. (Yeah, go ahead and be jealous of my cutting table - heehee)

From left to right...........

Peaking from those 3 wide shelves of de-stash fabric - box that now contains only one of the original 45's of the  "Show Boat" soundtrack.

Lucky me, the remaining record is Ava Gardner singing "Bill."  The producers didn't want to use her voice even though they all agreed she sang beautifully.

A really, really old Ouija board from my great Grandparents House.  The pointer is missing so we can't conjure spirits or answers to our innermost questions ;-)

A closer view of my thimble collection and some old wooden spools, some with thread.

The lower half with more threads, a trinket from Washington, DC, tatting shuttles and a cute old bottle that held Violet perfume.

I love my "Ladies who Shop and Lunch" Coca-Cola ad.  The old magazine ad also mentions that the ladies outfits were made with Vogue sewing patterns!  Cool Clemson poster above.

 Just the other side of my cool scrap organizer I have another old magazine ad with Gene Tierney selling us Lux with Color Freshener! James Cagney pic from a now closed Applebee's restaurant, pennants from fav teams.  (My 1960's Wake Forest pennant is on another wall.)

My first Barbie clothing pattern. 

I have other patterns framed but those pics are far worse than this one!

Here we have my teachers, my Grand Mothers.
To the left there I am with Grandma Porter.  She was evidently the giver of the tools, hat and apron.
To the right is [Grand]Mama Holbrook and my Mom at the oft mentioned Great Grand Parents house.
Both Grands taught me about cooking and sewing and gardening and so much more.
I miss them, but the pictures (which I just slapped up on the wall behind a glass with thumbtacks)
remind me of their unconditional love and guidance.

Be sure to visit Suzanne's blog, ColoradoLady to find links to all the other VTT  posts.

Before you go, I added one thing to my De-stash along 2010 list!  I've been sewing others folks' stuff and haven't taken much time to do stuff for us.
Here are our two new additions - I've adopted 2 feral neighborhood cats.

Kitteh Kitteh Lovey

She's a teeny (7 lbs) talker!  Skittish but comes when called and loves her catnip toys.

He roams but we did manage to get him fixed last week.  Stanley likes to come in for short visits and loves to be rubbed and to purrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

No Grand daughter Aubree yet!!!  But soon!


  1. nice organized sewing pieces. several of ya'll are showing stitching pieces today. blessings

  2. You could probably use a tatting shuttle for a Ouija board pointer.

  3. Enjoyed looking at all your vintage treasures. I especially like the Ladies who Shop and Lunch ad!

  4. I love your little barbie patterns. They are so sweet. I can't imagine making those tiny things! And congrats on your new babies. They look precious!

  5. I worked in my sewing room today too, trying to organize and move things around....and boy am I tired...that is work! That pattern reminded me of the Barbie clothes my grandma used to sew for me....what a great memory! I too have a thimble collection....small....easy to show off!! Have a great VTT!

  6. OH thank you for being kind to stray kitty's!
    I do love your thimble, shuttle and old spool collection. When my MIL moved out of her house to a smaller place, I inherited a bag of sewing things... simply because no one else wanted to deal with it. They were going to throw it out. OMG! NO! There were a whole slew of gorgeous old buttons and several wooden spools of thread. They just don't make things like that anymore! I know the thread is no longer any good, but it's still pretty, so I put them all in a milk glass compote and keep it on my sewing table. And I nearly filled a small canister jar with all the buttons.

  7. I so love your thimble collection and the pictures. Great VTT post happy weekend!

    VTT:Old Pop machine

  8. Ohhhh, love all of your goodies! I could use some conjuring, let's find that pointer! All of your framed photos and posters make me want to get organized and get my stuff up. LOVE that Barbie pattern! Let us know when little Aubree joins this beautiful world!

  9. It must be pretty easy getting inspired to create in your workroom, surrounded by all the things you love! I think my favorite things are the old ads. And the kitty, of course!
    Happy VTT!

  10. LOVE the shadowbox collection; I love all things textile.

  11. Your last comment made me laugh so hard! In my personal thrifting fantsty, though, it's Noah Wylie taking me to coffee. What can I say? Old ER crushes die hard!

    Love your sewing nook!

    Sweetfern Handmade

  12. love the kitty photos :-) The sewing nookie is the shadow box!

  13. The mere mention of a big cutting table throws me into fits of jealousy.

  14. Hi,

    I would like to invite you to visit and join Thimbles of the World at
    Maybe you would like to write a few words about your thimbles collection.

    Greetings from Poland,
    Hope to see you at
    Agnieszka KopczyƄska


Do tell! Whatcha thinkin?