That's her! That's me! She signed my books! All three of 'em!
Okay, enough dorky me. Hubby was sweet enough to drive us to Greensboro last night so I could meet and listen to one of my idols!
I thought it started at 7:30 pm. Good thing we were what we thought was early cause it started at 7:00 -DOH! Thankfully, I didn't miss much.
Mrs. Geisel is as adorable as you think she would be! Her story telling is like her writing - exuberant, witty, sweet and full of knowledge. But in the books you don't get to see her replay finding a super item in the bottom of a box in an Antique store! I swear we are related (at least by spirit) cause she, like I, will jump up and down and squeal with delight! Even if people are looking ;)
If you haven't read her books - what are you waiting for!?!?! Apronisms, The Apron Book and The Kitchen Linens Book. Go! Get 'em, Read 'em, Love em!
More nonsense later!
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