Friday, September 3, 2010

Family Emergencies and UPrinting Giveaway Winner!

Hey Gang!
I'm late announcing the winner cause 
we had a family emergency.
No worries - everyone is okay - now.

Remember when you were a kid and your "emergencies" involved needing a new toy/Barbie/book?  Then as we grew our "emergencies" were more urgent needs of the right dress/shoes/eye shadow. 
Then most of us grew out of needing the materialistic things (unless of course, it was actual material.  
I need fabric - don't you?)

I often miss the days when my children needed a new Barbie or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.  
Or needed the right Tux jacket or dress for choral shows. 
Or needed the latest CD/movie/video game.

Now they are grown and their needs are often very real life sustaining needs - a working vehicle - a job - a safe place to live.  And when I can, I help.  Both my kids are blessed with stalwart and wonderful friends.  Some of whom they have known since Elementary school.  
Some are brand new.
I am thankful for all of them.  So very glad that I too can call upon them to help. 

My friends are fabulous too.  As is Bill Hubby.
Yesterday we combined our vehicles, muscles and nerves of steel to move one of my children from a dangerous situation to a safe haven.  

I was amazed at our swift coordination and the love and laughter that got us through the day.  My muscles on the other hand are not as happy but it was worth every ache and pain to see the relief on my child's face.

Onward and upward my dear little one!
According to the good ol' random number generator the winner of 500 Business cards from UPrinting is said... Becky - love your new aprons, 
especially the sweet fire engine ones! 
Hope you have a great day:) 

From her bloggie profile: My name is Cindy and welcome to my blog. Here I write about our life on the farm, designing, sewing, entrepreneurism, and obsessive love for all things retro and vintage. When I’m not chasing our beagle puppy or feeding the chickens I’m hard at work running my newly launched company, Retro Revival. I appreciate you following this “virtual scrapbook” of my thoughts and ideas on retro and vintage finds, new projects, designs, sources, and the people and products that inspire my addiction to the past!

 Congratulations to Cindy!

Y'all go check her blog and leave some love.

Oh, and when you say your prayers please join me in giving special thanks for BillHubby, Anne, James, Haley and Will and a couple of wonderful police persons.

Here's a sneak peak at what else I have been up to - with Stanley Kitteh's supervision of course!



  1. congrats to the winner and glad everything is ok

  2. Happy to hear you made it through your emergency and hoping your next one is more along the lines of "must have" fabric! And how lucky am I for winning your fabulous giveaway?! MANY thanks:)


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