
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thrifty Thursday - Bargain Shopping

Throw a rock in our house and it's bound to hit a bargain shopped, 
thrift store purchased, or free item.

Folks who thrift shop do it for all sorts of reasons. 
It could be economic - they're broke,
could be cause they are stingy - and seldom broke,
could be the thrill of the hunt.

I think I inherited a bargain shopping/stingy gene. 
There have certainly been times in my life that bargain shopping was a necessity more than a fun adventure.

But I do love the thrill of the hunt!

(Wait, did I tell you to throw a rock in my house?!?! Don't do it please.)

Recently I determined I NEEDED - not wanted, though I did - a new iron.

 Here's my "old" iron. 
It's a Panasonic. 
When I think of Panasonic I think of electronics. 
You know, radios, TVs, stereo systems.
Not irons.

Nothing really wrong with this one. It works.
But it is so very light weight. 
And when you are trying to iron cotton fabrics the weight of the iron helps smooth those inevitable cotton wrinkles. 
Seriously, it's true.

I looked at the Rowenta irons. 
I read so much about Rowenta being the end all, be all of irons in the crafting/sewing world.

Rowenta irons cost about a bajillion dollars.
I refuse to spend a bajillion dollars on an iron unless it works all by itself and brings me breakfast in bed.
Am I right? 

Last Saturday, our friends, Matt and Shirley, were in town. 
We met up at the North Carolina State University Book Store. 
Matt and their daughter, Jenny, are alums. 
They were shopping for State stuff and looking at the baby gear for the first GrandBaby that's on its way!!! Yippee!

Afterwards, we had a yummy lunch at local institution, since 1951, 
The Players' Retreat.

Then, what shall we do now?
I had already spotted the iron I wanted at Ollie's
an East Coast discount warehouse-y store chain.        
Matt and Shirley live in eastern NC miles from big stores.
 We went to Ollie's. 
I think Shirley bought everything she'll need for months! :)
I grabbed this iron
For $23.
It retails from $59 on Amazon to $24 on the Wal-Mart website. 
Plus you'd have to pay shipping costs.

I am happy. 

  Then the guys wanted to ramble around Best Buy. 
Nothing against Best Buy but all the boys do is look at electronics and gab about electronics while they are there

Shirley and I went to Big Lots
Another big discount store.

There was my new iron. 
The iron I had just happily purchased for $23.

Big Lots price - $19.

I was not happy.

$4 is $4.
$4 is 4 small Frostys at Wendy's 
$4 is 4 loaves of bread.
$4 is 4 boxes of BillHubby's fave candy - Sweet Tarts.

I bought the iron - again.

Ollie's was on the way home. 
The nice lady at the Return Desk remembered me. 
(I hadn't been gone but an hour.)

She asked why I was returning it. 
I told her. She said she would have done the same. 

Black and Decker makes solid products. 
This iron is heavy.
The soleplate is smooth as silk.
The cotton wrinkles disappear with one slide over the fabric.
It heats up in a jiffy and has that wonderful automatic turn-off switch if you leave it sitting for a few minutes.

Comparison shopping pays off.

I am happy.

Why and where do you bargain shop? 


  1. I love these kinds of stories! (not the Best Buy part) I bargain shop because I like the hunt, sometimes it's necessary and it seems just plain foolish to pay more for something than you have to, especially when doing so doesn't get in the way of time doing other things, cost too much more in fuel, etc.

    1. Thanks T! And you are spot on about not spending money on fuel!


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